Giving Back

School Speaking Engagement

(2 per month maximum)

For many schools, personal financial management concepts are not taught as a component of the required curriculum.  If not taught in the home, this can lead to a serious life skill gap in the one area all people have a need.

At the invitation of metro area public high schools, a classroom presentation on one  of the following areas will be provided:

  • General question and answer open format discussions
  • Introduction to saving and investment concepts
  • Budgeting/debt management

Pro-Bono Fininacial Planning

(one new engagement per month)

This is entry level financial planning.  Concepts include budget construction, income needs analysis, saving strategy, debt management & accountability methods. This is provided to Oregon residents who qualify as follows:


  • US citizens
  • Married couple under the age of 45
  • Household income less than $80,000
    • Copy of prior year tax return required
  • Must be willing to travel to Gabriel Capital office

Charitable Giving:

Each year two charities are selected to receive a % of Gabriel Capital operating revenues.  Organization selected will be a qualified charity serving in the areas of homeless support, medical service ministries, or military veterans.


Reach out with questions or book a meeting

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